as you see there is some animal skin....
it is exploit form the carcaes of the cure animal we see everyday(or fierce,whatever if they fur is very costy) someone said:we needn't fur ,don't kill the animal any more.but, The fur is so useful.sofa,made form fur(most of). shoes,clthoes,handbag,....we need the fur all the time."don't kill the animal" it is not so easy.
Fur trade in Canada began as an adjunct to the fishing industry.Early in the 16th century fishermen from northwest Europe were taking rich catches of CODhe Grand Banks off Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St Lawrence .Drying their fish onshore took several weeks, during which time good relations had to be maintained with the natives, who were eager to obtain metal and cloth goods from the Europeans: iron knives and axes, awls, copper kettles, blankets and trinkets.All they had to offer in exchange were furs and fresh meat.The fishermen found an eager market in Europe for the furs and made high profits.When the wide-brimmed felt hat came into fashion later in the 16th century, the demand for BEAVER PELTS increased tremendously.The best material for hat felt was the soft underfur of the beaver, the strands of which had tiny barbs that made them mat together tightly.
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